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Why Do We Lose Our Hair in Autumn?

Why Do We Lose Our Hair in Autumn?

The beauty of our hair is an essential element of our self-esteem and appearance. However, many of us have noticed an increase in hair loss as autumn approaches. Why does this happen? Is it a coincidence or are there medical reasons behind this seasonal trend? As an aesthetic doctor, I will explain the reasons for hair loss in autumn, the phases of hair growth, how to take care of your hair, and the solutions offered by aesthetic medicine to prevent hair loss and regain beautiful hair.

Some numerical benchmarks:

Normally, our hair consists of 100,000 to 150,000 hairs that renew themselves following a cycle of 3 phases independently of each other. The duration of a hair cycle is genetically programmed and varies from 2 to 6 years. Each hair follicle will have a genetically programmed number of cycles that will be limited in time. Each day, we lose on average 30 to 150 hairs, which are replaced by new ones.

The Hair Growth Phases

To understand why we lose our hair in autumn, it’s essential to know the hair growth phases. Hair goes through a constant cycle of growth, rest, and shedding, which is divided into three main phases:

1. Anagen Phase: This is the active growth phase of hair, typically lasting from several months up to 7 years. The average growth rate of a hair is 0.3 mm/day. This rate varies depending on the location on the scalp. For example, hair grows faster at the top of the skull than at the temples. The length of the hair is therefore determined by all these growth elements.

2. Catagen Phase: This is the resting phase. During this phase, hair growth stops, and the dermal papilla begins to retract. The average duration of this phase is 3 weeks and sometimes in some people it can last up to several months.

3. Telogen Phase: This is the shedding phase, lasting about 3 months. Hair does not grow during this period but remains attached to the scalp. Approximately 10 to 15% of your hair is in the telogen phase at any given time.

Normal hair loss is the result of the transition of hair from the anagen phase to the telogen phase, followed by the shedding of telogen hairs to make way for new anagen phase hair. However, certain factors can disrupt this natural cycle, leading to excessive hair loss.

Why Do We Lose Our Hair in Autumn?

Seasonal hair loss, particularly in autumn, is a common phenomenon. Several factors can explain this trend:

1. Seasonal Change: The transition from summer to autumn can be a shock to your hair. Temperature variations, reduced humidity, and exposure to summer elements such as UV rays, sea salt, and pool chlorine can weaken your hair, making it more prone to breakage and loss.

2. Stress: The start of the school year, returning to work after summer holidays, or even anticipating the end-of-year festivities can be sources of stress. Chronic stress can negatively affect the health of your hair and lead to excessive loss.

3. Nutrition: Your diet can be affected by the change of season. An unbalanced diet or a deficiency in essential nutrients such as vitamins and minerals can weaken your hair.

4. Hair Growth Cycle: The hair growth cycle is influenced by hormonal and genetic factors. In some people, hair loss can be more pronounced at certain times of the year due to these factors.

How to Nourish and Take Care of Your Hair

Now that you understand why hair loss in autumn can be more frequent, it’s essential to learn how to take care of your hair to minimize shedding. Here are some tips for nourishing and maintaining your hair throughout the year:

1. Adopt a balanced diet: Ensure you consume a diet rich in protein, iron, zinc, B vitamins, and essential fatty acids. These nutrients are vital for hair health.

2.Stay properly hydrated: Drink enough water to maintain the hydration of your scalp and hair. Adequate hydration promotes healthy hair growth.

3. Avoid thermal shocks: Protect your hair from the cold by wearing hats or scarves. Additionally, avoid excessive use of hair dryers and straightening irons, as excessive heat can damage the hair.

4. Avoid harsh products: Limit the use of hair products containing harsh ingredients, such as sulfates and parabens. Do not use stripping chemicals. They can damage your hair and make it more prone to breakage.

5. Use suitable products: Choose gentle and natural products. Select high-quality hair care products that are appropriate for your hair type. Shampoos and conditioners formulated to strengthen hair can be particularly helpful.

6. Massage your scalp: Scalp massage stimulates blood circulation, thus promoting hair growth. You can use coconut oil or argan oil to gently massage your scalp.

Aesthetic Medicine Solutions for Combating Hair Loss

If, despite your efforts to take care of your hair, you continue to experience hair loss in autumn, there are aesthetic medicine solutions that can help you regain thick and healthy hair. Here are some of the available options:

The Jet Peel for the Scalp

The Jet Peel treatment is an advanced and versatile solution for treating hair loss and improving hair health. With its various stages, including peeling, infusion of active products such as B vitamins (B3 or Niacinamides, B7 or Biotin, B5), LED application, and scalp massage, this procedure offers a comprehensive approach to revitalizing your hair. In aesthetic medicine, the Jet Peel treatment has become an increasingly popular option for treating hair loss. This procedure combines several steps to revitalize and strengthen the hair, thus providing a complete solution for those suffering from hair problems. Here is an overview of the different stages of the Jet Peel treatment:

1. Peeling: The process begins with a gentle scalp peel using a special exfoliating solution. This peel removes dead skin cells, impurities, and hair product residues. It prepares the scalp to efficiently absorb the active products that will be applied subsequently.

2. Infusion of active products: Once the scalp is clean and prepared, the infusion of specially formulated active products to strengthen the hair is carried out. These products may contain vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and other essential ingredients for hair health. The infusion is done using the Jet Peel system, which uses micro-droplet technology to deliver the active products directly into the scalp.

3. LED application: After infusing the active products, LEDs are used to stimulate blood circulation in the scalp. The red light from the LEDs promotes cell regeneration and hair growth by increasing the availability of oxygen and nutrients to the hair follicles. This step is painless and relaxing.

4. Scalp massage: The Jet Peel treatment concludes with a gentle scalp massage. This massage further stimulates blood circulation and allows the active products to be better distributed in the scalp. It also promotes deep relaxation, thereby reducing stress which can be a contributing factor to hair loss.

The Advantages of the Jet Peel Treatment for Hair

The Jet Peel treatment offers several advantages for those looking to improve the health of their hair:

1. Stimulation of Hair Growth: The infusion of active products and the application of LED lights promote the regeneration of hair follicles, which can lead to healthier and thicker hair growth.

2. Improvement in Hair Texture and Quality: The Jet Peel treatment can enhance the texture and quality of existing hair, making it stronger, shinier, and less prone to breakage.

3. Reduction in Hair Loss: By strengthening the hair and stimulating blood circulation, this procedure can help reduce excessive hair loss.

4. Non-Invasive and Pain-Free Treatment: The Jet Peel is a non-invasive and painless option, requiring no surgical intervention or recovery period.

5. Improvement in Scalp Health: The scalp peeling and massage enhance the overall health of the scalp, which can positively impact hair health.

LED Phototherapy

LED phototherapy is a painless technique that uses light to stimulate hair growth. LED devices emit low-intensity light that penetrates the scalp and stimulates hair cells.

Microneedling Combined with Skinboosters for the Scalp

This is a non-surgical procedure involving the injection of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals directly into the scalp. This stimulates hair growth by improving blood circulation and providing the necessary nutrients to the hair follicles.

A Medical Consultation

Your aesthetic doctor may also prescribe a blood test to check for vitamin or mineral deficiencies, commonly seen with iron, or a thyroid function anomaly.

Hair loss in autumn is a common problem, but there are solutions and ways to prevent it. Understanding the hair growth phases, adopting a balanced diet, taking care of your hair, and consulting an aesthetic doctor are important steps to maintain healthy and abundant hair.

Caring for your hair requires patience and attention, but the results are worth it. By avoiding practices that can damage it and adopting an appropriate hair care routine, you can preserve the beauty of your hair and keep it healthy and shiny.