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More muscle, less fat with EMSculpt Neo® !

Are you looking for a simple and effective way to reshape your figure by losing fat and/or toning your muscles?

We’ve thought of you: EMSculpt Neo®

It’s a medical device designed to tone and reshape muscles. It is an improved version of the already highly effective and recognized EMSCULPT® treatment in our aesthetic medicine center. Neo is more powerful and targets specific muscle groups, such as the abdominals, even more effectively.

The treatment consists of several sessions. Each session lasts 30 minutes and involves a series of intense electromagnetic pulses. These pulses cause involuntary muscle contractions, equivalent to doing 20,000 crunches! Over the course of the sessions, the muscles become toned and firm.

Results are quick to appear: you start seeing a difference after the first session, and they continue to improve for several weeks after the treatment ends.


Clients often report a “sculpted abs” effect, with a visible reduction in abdominal fat.


EMSculpt Neo® is painless and has no side effects; it is a highly effective non-invasive treatment to achieve a flat stomach and sculpted abs… and more! 

Let’s discover more!

EMScultp Neo

What is EMSculpt NEO® ?


Experience a muscle-toning and fat-reduction procedure like no other. We use EMSculpt Neo® to give you the slim and toned figure you’ve always dreamed of.

How does EMSculpt Neo® treatment work?

EMSculpt Neo® utilizes a unique combination of radiofrequency and high-intensity focused electromagnetic (HIFEM) energy. This combination not only builds and strengthens muscles, burns fat, and reduces skin laxity.

This procedure will stimulate your metabolism, reduce fat cells, and is completely non-invasive with no recovery time needed. Expect rapid results with EMSculpt Neo®.

Which areas can be treated with EMSCULPT NEO®?


EMSculpt Neo® uses high-frequency electromagnetic and radiofrequency technology to contract targeted muscles and burn fat. 
It takes only 30 minutes of using our Neo device to achieve the desired effect – up to 20,000 crunches or squats. This remarkably quick procedure allows you to get the physique you want in a defined period as determined by the court.
Neo is an extremely effective procedure, capable of addressing the following issues:
– Excess fat;
 – Skin laxity; 
Stretch marks;
All treatments are tailored to the individual, and personal experiences and results may vary. We conduct an individual consultation with Dr. Sandra Texier before each session to discuss the different treatment options.
Treated areas:



Une séance équivaut à faire 10 000 flexions de biceps. Cela représente une augmentation de 18 % de la masse musculaire, ce qui entraîne une diminution significative de l'élasticité des bras.
L'énergie électromagnétique de haute intensité aide à combattre la graisse ou l'affaissement des bras.


Réduire l'excès de graisse qui s'accumule sur vos fesses et vos hanches avec l'âge.
Éliminez la graisse indésirable - toujours de manière non invasive - en sculptant une silhouette plus définie et en vous permettant de trouver des vêtements qui vous vont facilement.
Vous vous sentirez en confiance avec votre physique : la médecine esthétique est l’alliée de votre bien-être !


Éliminez la graisse tenace des cuisses tout en renforçant les muscles pour donner une apparence plus tonique.
Cet appareil nouvelle génération peut cibler l'intérieur et l'extérieur des cuisses, l'arrière et l'avant des cuisses et vos mollets. Il peut également être utilisé pour renforcer les muscles de vos mollets...

Please note that it is important for new mothers to ensure that the breastfeeding process is complete before opting for EMSculpt Neo®sessions. 


Step-by-step summary of an EmSculptNeo®session:

→ Medical consultation and check-up with Doctor TEXIER

A free consultation to review your medical history, listen to your concerns and take stock of your silhouette.


→ EmSculptNEO® session

The NEO procedure takes around 30 minutes, depending on the patient and the area to be treated.


→ After the session

No downtime is required after the EMSculpt NEO® procedure, and you can return home the same day.

First, I make an appointment for an assessment, then I choose...

How much does
EMSculpt Néo cost?

How does an EMSCULPT NEO® session work? 

What are the contraindications of EMSculpt NEO®?

EMSculpt Néo® treatment is formally forbidden for people with a pacemaker or a metallic foreign body (e.g. certain prostheses or IUDs), as well as for pregnant women.

Why choose EMSculpt NEO® from Maison Magnifisens?

At Maison Magnifisens, you'll know you're being looked after by Doctor TEXIER and his skilled team. You'll be welcomed in one of the most beautiful places in Paris, a warm and comfortable setting to make you feel as comfortable as possible. What's more, the acquisition of this Emsculpt Neo® proof that we are constantly striving for the best for you and your well-being!