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Skin Quality After Summer: Secrets to a Radiant Complexion

Skin Quality After Summer: Secrets to a Radiant Complexion

After summer, the skin demands particular attention. Discover how to preserve and enhance its quality, repair sun damage, and regain a glowing complexion.

Every year, summer gives our skin a beautiful natural glow. However, with the arrival of September, many of us notice a decrease in this radiance, perhaps even the emergence of a dull and tired complexion, and the resurgence or appearance of acne that had diminished or disappeared during the summer, or the emergence of pigmented spots. This change is largely attributed to the effects of the sun on our skin.

Indeed, skin radiance is a delicate balance of interconnected factors like hydration, natural exfoliation of dead epidermal cells, skin elasticity, and collagen production, and uniform skin color. The complexity of this phenomenon requires a multifactorial approach to maintain or restore it.

Medical and aesthetic solutions aim to correct these various elements to restore them.

Skin Reactions

Skin manifestations from sun exposure are categorized into two classes based on their appearance time after sun exposure: there are immediate reactions appreciated such as tanning and vitamin D synthesis, and there are delayed reactions that are observed after sun exposure, which we could do without. The latter are what we address at Maison Magnifisens:

→ Under the action of UV rays, thickening of the cornea, which is the superficial layer of the epidermis, is observed. This process is called hyperkeratosis. This hyperkeratosis leads to an accumulation of sebum that cannot be properly evacuated. Acne reappears as the skin thins with the appearance of comedones and pimples. This anomaly will be all the stronger the longer the exposure has been.

→ Under the effect of the sun’s rays, a process of dehydration of the epidermis is also observed, which accentuates the dull and tired complexion effect, deepens wrinkles and fine lines, and creates an uncomfortable skin sensation.

→ Sun exposure can also cause the appearance of pigmented spots. These result from an abnormal accumulation of melanin, which is the pigment responsible for the color of the skin, hair, and eyes. The melanin in the skin is produced by specific cells, melanocytes, under the stimulation of the sun’s rays. When the skin is exposed to the sun’s ultraviolet rays, it reacts by producing more melanin to protect itself from damage. However, this response can become excessive and cause areas of irregular pigmentation such as solar lentigos, melasma. Although these pigmented spots are generally not dangerous to health, they can have significant aesthetic implications and give the skin an aged, irregular, and spotted appearance.

Solutions to Restore Skin’s Glow

Aesthetic medicine offers a range of solutions to repair and even enhance the skin’s radiance.

Chemical peels are particularly relevant after summer, as they will work on the skin’s complexion. They are powerful tools to enhance skin quality by controlled exfoliation of the dead cells of the epidermis. A “superficial” peel can be proposed to exfoliate the superficial layer of the epidermis, or a “medium” peel exfoliating up to the dermo-epidermal layer. Peels work on radiance and also signs of aging, pigmented spots, post-summer acne, and acne scars resulting from sun rays.

We have various acid molecules available with possible combinations. We can customize according to each skin type and its problem(s) and each person’s desires. At Maison Magnifisens, we use several acid combinations that allow each skin type to be treated in an adapted and evolving manner.

Currently, after summer, mandelic acid is popular because it is respectful of all skin types and well-tolerated. Moreover, it is versatile: it is active on hydration, complexion appearance and its radiance, skin texture… Finally, it is easily combinable with other acids such as lactic acid, glycolic acid, citric acid, phytic acid…

The advantage of peels is also being able to combine them with other aesthetic medicine treatments. Aftereffects are often well accepted by patients as there is no social eviction; the side effect is sometimes peeling for a few days. The complexion’s radiance result is quickly visible. The protocol is variable, from 1 to 4/6 sessions.

Hyaluronic acid injections of different molecular weights into the dermis restore hydration, elasticity, and skin tone. Hyaluronic acid is a polysaccharide naturally present in the human body whose primary function is to maintain proper tissue hydration. Thus, hyaluronic acid injections are very interesting for restoring skin hydration, elasticity, and tone after summer. This procedure is used on the face, neck, and décolleté, and also on the body, at a rate of 2 sessions spaced one month apart.

The Jet Peel is a comprehensive treatment that includes various steps, allowing you to regain a beautiful glow immediately. The technique used is barophoresis, meaning that active products are infused without injections, through air propulsion. During the Jet Peel, one benefits from an exfoliation with mandelic acid or glycolic acid at different concentrations, hydration with hyaluronic acid or CBD, infusions of vitamin C for brightness, sebum secretion regulating products for acne, niacinamides, peptides, and vitamin B5…

The skin regains a beautiful glow immediately! The recommended protocol varies from 1 to 4 sessions per month in intensive treatment.

Microneedling, and the technology combining microneedling and fractionated radiofrequency, allow treating skin brightness, skin texture, and other issues like acne scars and skin laxity. These are revolutionary and effective techniques for triggering natural skin regeneration. And it’s the ideal time to start these treatments, as they require avoidance of the sun during the skin regeneration cycle.

The skin is a marvel of regeneration. It has the ability to repair itself and regain its lost glow, especially under the impetus of aesthetic medical solutions.

The key to restoring glow lies in personalizing the treatments: a tailored treatment is adapted according to each skin and its issue(s).

And it’s also a good time to remind ourselves that the sun’s rays have harmful effects on our skin! To avoid repeating the same mistakes next summer, don’t forget the preventative measures (applying adequate sun protection cream, respecting exposure durations and times to avoid, wearing sunglasses, a hat, or a cap).