All skins are subject to dehydration.
Dehydrated skin is skin whose epidermis lacks water. It is a temporary condition and not a specific skin type like oily or dry skin. One can have dry or oily skin that can be dehydrated.
Indeed, it is important to distinguish between dehydrated and dry skin. Dry skin does not produce enough lipids. These lipids form what is called the hydrolipidic film (protective barrier) on the surface of the skin.
As a result, the clinical symptoms of water deficiency include feelings of tightness, redness, lack of radiance and discomfort, which in extreme cases can lead to the appearance of scabs. It also causes dehydration lines all over the skin.
The water content of the skin is 70%. This water undergoes a natural evaporation process.
The hydrolipidic film acts as a “barrier” against external aggressions and also prevents water from evaporating. However, if this hydrolipidic film is weakened, the water will evaporate and thus cause dehydration and make the skin dry and dehydrated.
To remedy this problem, we recommend a revolutionary technique, the Jet Peel, based on barophoresis (propulsion of active ingredients at a speed of 110 km/h, penetrating by infusion to the deep dermis). It is a natural and relaxing skin treatment procedure. It improves the appearance and texture of the skin of the face, neck, décolleté and hands considerably and immediately. Magnifisens guarantees that your skin will be rehydrated, plump, supple, radiant and comfortable! To learn more, read our page dedicated to the Jet Peel.