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Everything You Need to Know About Cellulite and Its Treatments in 2024

What is Cellulite?

Cellulite is an accumulation of fat under the skin that gives a “orange peel” appearance. It primarily affects the thighs, buttocks, abdomen, but also the arms and calves. Developing cellulite is common and mainly affects women. It is not dangerous to health, but many people want to get rid of it for aesthetic reasons.

Among the types of cellulite found on the bodies of both women and men, we have:

Aqueous cellulite: involves water retention in tissues.

Adipose cellulite: involves fat retention in these tissues.

Fibrous cellulite: involves collagen fibers. This cellulite is the most difficult to remove and can be painful to the touch.

Why Do We Have Cellulite on Our Bodies?

Cellulite, giving a bumpy appearance (or “orange peel”), mainly affects women and can appear as early as adolescence.
To better understand why we have it, it is important to examine several key factors and know the causes.

1. Genetics

Genetics play a crucial role in the development of cellulite. If the women around you, like your mother or grandmother, have it, there is a high chance you will too. Here’s how genetics is one of the causes:

Fat distribution: Some people inherit a tendency to store more fat in specific areas like the thighs and buttocks.

Skin structure: The composition and structure of collagen fibers can be genetically determined. If these fibers are weak or loose, fat can push through more easily, creating the “orange peel” appearance.

Blood circulation: Poor circulation, which can also be hereditary, can contribute to water retention and toxins, allowing cellulite to develop.

2. Diet

Our diet directly influences the appearance of cellulite. A diet rich in fatty acids, sugars, and salt can exacerbate this problem. Here are some examples:

Fats and sugars: Excessive consumption of saturated fats and refined sugars can lead to weight gain and an increase in body fat, promoting cellulite development.

Salt: Salt promotes water retention, which can make cellulite more visible by increasing tissue hardness and even causing edema.

Hydration: Drinking enough water helps eliminate toxins and keep the skin hydrated, which can reduce the appearance of cellulite. All this food rich in refined sugar and fatty acids accumulates silently and gradually forms dimples.

3. Lifestyle

A sedentary lifestyle can worsen cellulite. Here’s how:

Lack of exercise: Exercise helps burn fat, improve blood circulation, and tone muscles. Without exercise, fat can accumulate. The skin can lose its elasticity if you have significant weight fluctuations regularly. The famous yo-yo effect can prematurely cause skin laxity.

Prolonged sitting: Spending long periods sitting can restrict blood circulation, leading to an accumulation of toxins and fluids in the tissues, which can increase cellulite. Be careful not to cross your legs for long periods as well.

Stress: Chronic stress can lead to increased production of cortisol, a hormone that can promote fat storage, especially around the abdomen and thighs, favorite areas for cellulite.

4. Hormones

Female hormones, like estrogens, play a major role in the development of cellulite. Here’s why:

Puberty, pregnancy, and menopause: Hormonal fluctuations during these periods can lead to increased fat storage, water retention, and changes in skin structure like skin laxity.

Estrogens: These hormones stimulate water retention and the growth of fat cells. High estrogen levels can therefore worsen cellulite.

Insulin and catecholamines: Hormones regulating fat metabolism can also influence cellulite. For example, insulin resistance can lead to increased adipocyte (fat cell) storage.

5. Age

With age, cellulite can become more visible due to several factors:

Loss of skin elasticity: As we age, collagen production decreases under the influence of declining hormones, making the skin less firm and more likely to show cellulite.

Reduction in muscle mass: Age-related muscle loss can lead to a relative increase in body fat, making cellulite more apparent.

Blood circulation: Blood, venous, and lymphatic circulation tends to be of poorer quality with age, which can worsen fluid and toxin retention.

Anti-Cellulite Treatments in 2024

Cellulite, this accumulation of fat under the skin that gives an “orange peel” appearance, is a common aesthetic concern. In 2024, many methods exist to minimize its appearance. Depending on the type of cellulite, here is a detailed overview of the most popular and innovative anti-cellulite treatments to eliminate cellulite.

1. Balanced Diet and Hydration

A healthy diet and good hydration are essential elements to prevent and eliminate cellulite. Here are some practical tips:

Fruits and vegetables: They are rich in fibers and antioxidants, helping to eliminate toxins from the body. Green vegetables, berries, and citrus fruits are particularly beneficial.

Lean proteins: Chicken, fish, eggs, and legumes help build muscle and reduce body fat, which has an anti-cellulite effect and helps maintain a healthy weight.

Whole grains: Whole grains like quinoa, brown rice, and oats provide essential fibers and nutrients.

Avoid processed foods: Products rich in sugar, salt, and saturated fats can exacerbate cellulite. Prefer natural and unprocessed foods.

Hydration: Drinking at least 1.5 to 2 liters of water per day helps keep the skin hydrated and eliminate toxins.

2. Physical Exercise

Regular exercise is crucial to tone muscles and reduce body fat, which can diminish the appearance of cellulite. Here are some recommended activities:

Cardio: Exercises like running, cycling, swimming, or dancing increase blood circulation and help burn fat. Aquabiking is ideal as warm or cold water effectively drains in addition to muscle and cardio work.

Muscle strengthening: Squats, lunges, leg lifts, and Pilates strengthen the muscles in areas affected by cellulite, such as the thighs and buttocks.

HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training): Combining short periods of intense exercise with rest periods can be particularly effective for burning fat.

3. Massages and Anti-Cellulite Creams

Daily massages and specific oils and creams can help improve blood circulation and smooth the skin.

Massages: Lymphatic massage, Swedish massage, and endermology (machine-assisted massage) are effective in stimulating circulation and reducing water retention.

Anti-Cellulite Creams: Creams containing ingredients like caffeine, retinol, or plant extracts can help firm the skin. It is important to apply them regularly and massage them deeply into the skin for better results.

4. Aesthetic Medicine Techniques for the Skin

  • In 2024, several advanced treatments are available in medicine to eliminate cellulite. Here are the most popular ones to eliminate dimples.


This technique uses magnetic waves to heat the deeper layers of the skin, stimulating collagen production and reducing the appearance of cellulite. At a certain temperature, radiofrequency also helps liquefy fat. This technology can be combined with lipocavitation or massage techniques like palpate-roll or Renata lymphatic drainage.

Advantages: Non-invasive, improves skin texture, no recovery time.

Disadvantages: Requires multiple sessions for visible results.

Combination of Radiofrequency and Shock Waves: Emtone®
This unique treatment addresses all types of cellulite and its causes, such as skin laxity, water, and lymphatic retention, and fat tissue. It promotes collagen production, tightens elastin fibers in the skin, and breaks down skin fibrosis with shock waves, reducing the appearance of dimples. It also promotes fat burning and stimulates venous and lymphatic systems, providing a comfortable feeling of light legs.

Advantages: Non-invasive, comprehensive treatment for all cellulite types, comfort with a sensation of light legs.

Disadvantages: Requires multiple sessions with visible results between 1 to 3 months.


Also known as “CoolSculpting,” this method uses cold to destroy fat cells. The dead cells are then naturally eliminated by the body.

Advantages: Non-invasive, precise targeting of fat areas.

Disadvantages: Can cause temporary bruising, results appear gradually over several months.

High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) targets and destroys fat cells under the skin, helping to reduce cellulite.

Advantages: Non-invasive, improves skin texture, suitable for all treatment area sizes.

Disadvantages: May require multiple sessions, can be uncomfortable for some people due to ultrasound noise.

5. Natural Care Techniques

Some people prefer more natural methods to treat cellulite. Here are some popular tips:

Dry Brushing: Using a soft bristle brush or a horsehair glove to brush the skin dry can improve blood circulation and exfoliate the skin. It helps remove dead cells and promote cell regeneration.

Homemade Scrubs: Scrubs made with ground coffee, sugar, and coconut oil can help smooth the skin. Coffee contains caffeine, which can temporarily reduce cellulite appearance by tightening the skin.

Body Wrap: Natural products like green clay, seaweed, or apple cider vinegar can help detoxify the skin and reduce water retention.


n 2024, many methods are available to reduce the appearance of cellulite (known as “orange peel” skin), ranging from lifestyle changes to advanced medical treatments. It is important to remember that cellulite is normal and that almost everyone has it. If you wish to reduce it, talk to a healthcare professional to find the best solution for your needs.

Remember that the most important thing is to feel good in your skin, no matter its appearance. Health and well-being come first!

If you have any questions or want to learn more, feel free to visit our website Maison Magnifisens. We will be happy to assist you!