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Do you know the differences between aesthetic medicine and cosmetic surgery?

While cosmetic surgery has been practiced for many years, we have been witnessing for some time the emergence and development of aesthetic medicine, sometimes without really knowing what it consists of. These are two very different fields, and often complementary. They aim to beautify, or even rejuvenate, your face and figure.

Different practices for a common goal

Aesthetic medicine and cosmetic surgery both aim to enhance your face and body, as well as to limit the signs of aging.

The National Syndicate of Aesthetic Physicians defines aesthetic medicine as “all prescriptions and procedures aimed at preventing, improving or correcting unsightly aspects, or those judged as such by the person concerned, in particular the consequences of physiological ageing, using a multidisciplinary approach”.

Cosmetic surgery consists of removing, a posteriori, the marks of time or changing certain physical characteristics (nose, chest, baldness …). The techniques have evolved enormously, the results are amazing. To do this, the surgeon can use more or less heavy operations under local or general anesthesia. For example, the removal of wrinkles will involve the use of the “scalpel” to perform the famous facelift. This allows for a more radical and longer lasting result. It is sometimes necessary to plan other interventions later as for the replacement of prostheses or to plan other surgical interventions immediately during the same operation or at a distance as an abdominoplasty after a liposuction. It is important to be aware that any surgical procedure can lead to more or less significant pain for a variable length of time, hospitalization, post-operative care, social eviction, scars… These surgical procedures can be extremely invasive. Not to mention that if you are not satisfied with the result, it will be difficult, if not impossible, to go back.

Medicine and cosmetic surgery are often not in opposition, they are even often complementary. For example, after a liposuction, it is recommended to strengthen the muscles with a few sessions of EMSculpt to intensify the result. Working on the quality of the skin with aesthetic medicine methods is often very complementary to maintain a beautiful skin quality before or after an operation.

Aesthetic medicine is more often used as an anti-aging remedy and aims to slow down the aging process of the skin and body in advance. It is an excellent preventive and anti-aging medicine, i.e. for “aging well”.

Aesthetic medicine is practiced through non-invasive and much gentler procedures. Another difference is that the results of these aesthetic practices last from 6 months to a year. And if you wish to maintain the physical improvements obtained, you will always be able to repeat these treatments regularly (approximately every 6 months).

A personalized diagnosis and follow-up to combine beauty and health

While surgery is essentially focused on a specific physical defect to be improved, aesthetic medicine considers it essential to take into account the patient as a whole. There is a framework associated with the treatment to increase the benefit of the treatment performed and make it last. For example, nutritional advice, cosmetic advice, advice on resuming physical activities will be automatically offered.

Maison Magnifisens not only offers aesthetic treatments, but believes that health and beauty are inseparable. In order for you to feel good about your body, we believe that fat reduction treatments, among others, must go hand in hand with a personalized nutritional plan. The goal is to achieve lasting results and to make you feel physically and psychologically healthy. Our EMSculpt technique, among others, will allow you to obtain a progressive musculation while burning your fat at the same time.

Aesthetic changes can sometimes affect the patient emotionally. That is why we take care of you with a specialized medical team: nutritionist, dietician, aesthetic technicians, sports coach…Aesthetic changes can sometimes affect the patient emotionally. That is why we take care of you with a specialized medical team: nutritionist, dietician, aesthetic technicians, sports coach…

Each of you will benefit from an individual diagnosis to best meet your needs and expectations. Our main concern is to ensure your satisfaction and well-being!

Taking care of yourself with gentle, targeted treatments

What best characterizes aesthetic medicine is the progressiveness of its treatments and results. It does not imply immediate upheavals for your physique, but rather modifications and improvements more or less spread out over time that will be more respectful and gentler. They will respect your desires, your needs and your habits for effective and targeted results. They are neither painful nor disabling.

Our team will offer you personalized treatments on targeted areas. For your figure, we will direct you to our innovative techniques such as EMtone, EMSculpt, Morpheus 8, cryolipolysis or lymphatic drainages such as the Renata França method, palpate and roll to name a few.

For your face, our specialists will direct you, among other things, to Jet Peel, Peeling, Microneedling, Plasma, Morpheus8 or hyaluronic acid injections, depending on your case and your wishes. Dermalogica, our reference brand in cosmetics, will complete and enhance the beauty of your skin.

Notable results at a lower cost

Unlike cosmetic surgery, which charges higher rates, cosmetic medicine is a more affordable alternative! These competitive prices, thus practiced, will offer you equally effective results.

At Maison Magnifisens, we offer you an array of advanced treatments without breaking the bank! What to sublimate your beauty without forgetting your well-being.

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